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Alex Roggio writes...

I searched through many of the unanswered questions using the Find-feature and couldn't find this one so forgive me if you'd already answered it by now, but:

If Roy Harper's clone was Speedy for 3 years before becoming Red Arrow, this me means he must have been 14-to-15 when he replaced the original Roy Harper. In YJ:I, we learned through Superboy that the Cadmus clones cannot age. So how did Roy Harper's clone go from being approximately 14/15 to the 17/19 year old we know as Red Arrow? All this while Superboy spent 5 years without aging.

Can Red Arrow age? If so, what makes him different than Superboy?

Greg responds...

NO, we did NOT learn "that the Cadmus clones cannot age". We learned that SUPERBOY doesn't visibly age. That's a result of his specific origins. It has nothing to do with the various clones of Roy Harper.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012