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Nobody Liked Jason Todd Anyway writes...

Greetings people of the past. I am from 5 years in your future. I traveled to this backwater time period to warn you of the perils you will face in the next 75 months. I cannot go into the specifics on what led to this tumultuous point in human history. But I have traced the cause and have determined that it was the unfortunate decision to skip 5 years ahead in the Young Justice cartoon. The International League of 'Shippers will launch a massive attack on The Legion of Timeskip Apologists and the resulting battles will tear the DC Nation apart. There will be mass hysteria. People painting finger stripes on their hands. People holding large crowds hostage at Power Ring point until Weisman and Vietti tells them, once and for all, the exact age, astrological signs and favorite foods of everyone in the DC Universe. The streets will run red (blue, yellow, purple, green and sometimes puce) with cartoon ink. It will be CHAOS. Skip backwards 5 years in the Young Justice storyline before all is lost and may The Spectre have mercy on your souls. (Drink Slurm™)

Greg responds...

I'm probably less amused than you were hoping I'd be.

You must see that even if Brandon and I suddenly agreed that the timeskip was a mistake - and we don't - there was literally NO WAY at the time you posted this that we could have taken it back. Not unless you didn't want to see ANY episodes for another year.

That's not me being an "Apologist". That's just me stating facts. We did the timeskip. We liked the timeskip. By the time you found out about it, it was way too late to do anything but go forward. WAY to late.

And of course, as of this moment, literally the entire first two seasons are now in the can. DONE. FINITO. No turning back now. And by the way, I wouldn't want to.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012