A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg,
I've finally hunted you down,im a 30 year old weight trainning coach from Manchester England uk and i wanted to say that Young Justice is'nt just a great show it's the best show (animated or not). ALSO ....
Hope you don't pay any attention to all the "where is K.F" and "we dont like the chances in the show comments" Young Justice is the cleverest show i've ever seen i love how your twenty steps ahead of the audicence.
My question is ..... Where do you come up with Robin's fantastic quotes like "feeling the Aster" (oppisite to disaster) "whelmed" and "well get taught" oppiste to distaught)
Thank You
Neil Cailey
I came up with "whelmed". It's something that's always made me wonder. After that, a number of folks contributed, including our writing staff and even my wife and kids. Try it. It's fun.