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mortaltype writes...

Young Justice Questions - Atlanteans and Fish:

1. In episode 3 of season 2 was Black Manta eating fish (1b: with hollandaise sauce and white wine)?

2. Do Atlanteans (in this continuity/earth 16) generally eat fish?

3. If so, is this something subject to regional variation?

4. What sort of reasoning is there behind the choice to eat/not eat fish?

5. Do Atlanteans supplement their diet with vegetation (i.e. seaweed)?

(Thank you - and the whole team - for this wonderful show. It serves as my weekly bribe for making progress towards completing my dissertation and has honestly helped me through a rough couple of months. By the way, searching the archives for the word 'fish' produces some interesting results.=)

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. I would think so.

3. Doubtlessly.

4. No different from real life reasons.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012