A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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First thing's first: give credit where credit is due. Congratulations on the completion of Season 1. What an action packed final two episodes! I was very disappointed when CN decided not to air them back to back. I was literally sitting on pins and needles for a week between "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintance." The revelations, the fight sequences, the plot! Everything was incredible. You and your entire team deserve a pat on the back.
Now, onto Season 2. I'll admit, after the opening segment, I was completely thrown for a loop. I did not expect a time skip like that. A few days, possibly. 5 years, absolutely not. I had believed that it would be way to soon to make that kind of a risky move. So when I saw it happen, I was naturally very worried. Now, three episodes in, I am pleased to say that I have officially been drawn into the new season and am anxious to see where the story goes from here.
I suppose the concern came from my love of all things Dick Grayson. He is my favorite hero of all time. It's been a long time since we've seen a young Dick tackling the streets of Gotham as Robin the Boy Wonder (last series that covered Dick as Robin for an extended period of time was "The Batman"). Seeing him advance to Nightwing so soon made me nervous, seeing as he usually becomes less of a focus whenever Tim Drake comes onto the scene. There were so few Dick moments last season (well, in comparison to the others, at least) that I didn't want to see who I believe is the best DC character get shoved to the sidelines too soon, but seeing as he's Team leader, obviously not gonna happen.
So, onto my question: Were you prepared for the audience's reaction to Season 2? Or has all the negativity towards the time skip surprised you?
Okay, so (a) I don't agree that Dick got short shrift last season and (b) not that there hasn't been some negativity, but in general it hasn't been that bad, and mostly the response has been positive, particularly among those who were willing to be a little patient and give us a few episodes to show that it was still the show they had come to love.