A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello =) I love your show, and loved it even more since Wonder Woman and Wonder girl got a little bit more screentime, yet not as much as the superfamily or batfamily does, but still it is pleasant to watch!
Now i have got a couple of question:
1: What exactly is Cassie's powerset? I read somewhere you went with the Zeus's daughter origins. Is she as powerful as Conner Kent? Are her powers growing up as time goes by?
On a scale from 0 to 10, where are WW and WG?
Keep up the great work guys =)
A scale of what? Never mind, I don't much care for numerical scales anyway.
1. Cassie can fly, and she's very strong - but not as strong as Conner. She can bounce bullets off her bracelets, but she's NOT invulnerable - else why would she NEED to bounce bullets off her bracelets. She's also very proficient with her unbreakable lasso.