A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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It is of earth shattering import that we all know:
That kid sitting in the booth at Bibbo's (not Blue Beetle or Bumblebee) at the begining of Alienated... how old was he?
The guy who tried to shoot Lobo in Secretary-General Tseng's office (but Lobo blocked the barrel with his finger), how many times has he eaten corn in his life? Please list by types of corn.
Could you give a detailed description of every last time Batgirl has ever stubbed her toe? Ignoring occurrences taking place on Tuesdays that fall on odd numbered dates (for obvious reasons).
The guy who comments that G. Gordon Godfrey thinks the League is working with the aliens during a tour of the Hall of Justice at the begining of Alienated. Does his Earth 11 counterpart have a good relationship with her mother?
Lastly... Where are my car keys?
Thank you.
"Please list by types of corn," actually made me chuckle out loud.