A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Dear Mr. Greg and Whoever Else May Be Credited With The Writing For "Salvage":
I absolutely loved this week's episode. "Salvage" has, in tumblr terms, provided "so many feels" for many shippers of the Spitfire (Wally/Artemis) and CheshRoy (Cheshire/Roy) pairing supporters; those "feels" were multiplied even more with the introduction of Lian.
I LOVE that Wally and Artemis are still together after 5 years and are a cute, loving couple. I LOVE that Lian has been born and that Jade seems to be doing her best to not only fix up Roy, but to have some stability in her family for the sake of her daughter. I also LOVE that she and Roy were married.
Once again, thank you. Words cannot express any more of what I am feeling, but let me just say that all throughout this morning I had to stop myself from involuntarily smiling at the thought of this episode.
Keep up the AWESOME work. :)
Thank you.