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Hi again greg, If I remember correctly, it's been established that Martians age 1 year for every 3 earth years, New gods from Apocolips and New genesis are ageless, Lords of chaos and order are ageless, Amazons are immortal and Superboy currently can't age visibly.
1. This made me wonder if there were any other aliens or metahumans that age at a different rate than humans or have a longer lifespan, such as maybe Rannians, Genomorphs and Clayface since he got his powers from overexposure to the Lazarous pits.
2. Back in infiltrator, Robin used an override code to get past the security at Wyne Tech. If I'm correct, the code RG4 consists of his initials (Richard Grayson)and 4 would either mean that he's the 4th person to have a similar override code or he has 3 more for other uses. If it's the first case, would the 3 other people be Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox and Alfred Pennyworth?
3. In the episode Salvage, when Superboy said he could relate to the Appellaxian Golem when it said through blue beetle that it wanted to end the pain and essentially destroy itself, does that imply Superboy has contemplated suicide at one point? I just want to be sure about whether or not that was the case.
Thank you for your time and I hope the long queue isn't too tough on you.
Amazons are only immortal (i.e. unaging) on Themyscira. If they leave the island, they age normally.
1. I'm sure there are, but I'm not going to go down a list. Clayface though is kept alive by a morphic field. This may grant him a certain immortality as long as the field survives. No telling whether or not the field may break down over time.
2. Possibly...
3. The "noise" that came with "birth" was the part of the Golem's speech that Superboy identified with.