A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Greg just want to start off by saying i love young justice and gargoyles and i still watch some gargoyles to this day. My question is why did the writers primarily decide to make Superboy and Miss Martian the only characters that really get focus and are in every episode?
In season 1 once in a while Aqualad or Artemis would get an episode even Wally but Wally and robin barely did anything. Now we skip into season 2 and Wally is retired and Grayson is team leader but only seems to make cameo apperances. You mentioned season 3 if it happens will have another time skip i assume Nightwing will probably be gone but i was just hoping that the guy would actually have important story lines before he is gone. The other character also i feel should get some type of importance it feels like the Superboy/Miss Martian and friends show.
I don't buy into the premise of your question. Even a little.