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Hi, Greg, quick question. As season two goes on, i can't help but notice Megan's radically different personality. She's no longer the slightly naive Hello Megan fangirl, and is instead alot darker, thinking nothing of labotimizing others for her own gain.
First of all, why does no one call her out on it. Martian Manhunter was right there, telepathically linked the guy to boot.
Second, does her self-acceptance have something to do with this? In season one we see her afraid of having the others see her as a monster, but, now that she knows she doesn't have to worry about it anymore, is she now turning into one?
If I see you've answered this, then thanks a ton! If you don't, well, do it anyway ;). Thanks!
First of all, if you look carefully, you'll see that Manhunter had severed his link just before Miss Martian did her thing.
Second, I'll leave to your interpretation.