A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I was browsing the archives and noticed that you said Atom was one of the six founding members of the Justice Society.
1. Was this a mistake or was Atom really a member of the Justice Society?
2.If it wasn't a mistake, is this Atom the same Atom that is currently in the Justice League or is it a different Atom?
3. If this Atom is the same Atom that is in the Justice Leage, how old is Ray Palmer biologically and chronically?
He doesn't old enough to be a founding member of the Justice Society.
4. If this is a different Atom, what are his powers? Are they the same as the current day Atom?
5.If this is a different Atom, how come Ray Palmer was able to take his superhero identity?
1. Not a mistake.
2. Different Atom.
3. See above.
4. He had none at the time of the JSA's founding.
4a. No.