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A couple of Beneath questions. I love the guest voice cast, by the way.
1a. Holling mentions they're Mescalero. I shan't claim to be an expert on the matter, but from what I've read, they're from New Mexico, not Texas (or, not El Paso's corner of the state). Was Holling a chief of all Mescalero, or only of a small band that moved south?
1b. Was the tribe chosen because of Michael Horse, who's Mescalero?
1c. Is Maurice also Mescalero?
2. Holling's neighbor in the trailer park is called "[...]ilson [...]Clain" (likely Wilson McClain). Was he named after Mark McClain Wilson?
1. Did Holling say he was a chief? And I believe there are Mescalero Appaches in El Paso, as I recall from our research, but it was a long time ago.
1b. No. Casting was done after the script was finalized.
1c. Yes.
2. Probably.