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I am once again back, to first state how impressed I am with Invasion. I don't think anyone saw a five year time skip coming, especially after only one season, and it was handled beautifully for the show. Everything that is revealed about what has changed over the gap creates more questions, effectively keeping us hooked on finding out exactly what happened over five years.
The original members of the team now being seasoned veterans leading an expanded team is always something that feels cool to watch. I nerded over Dick's ascension to Nightwing and Barbara's joining of the team and I found the lack of status quo in Conner and M'Gann's relationship to be a good choice in character development. My initial prediction for where Wally and Artemis were was that Wally became Flash and Artemis was dead. I was extremely happy to be proven wrong when I watched Salvage. I do suspect they'll probably be suiting up again later in the season (what with Sportsmaster still playing an important role in The Light's plans) but I'm not about to ask for spoilers on that.
I'm happy with what you've done with Bumblebee. Her being The Atom's protege is an interesting idea and it really works. I also enjoy many aspects of Earth 16's Beast Boy, mainly his base form and relationship with M'Gann. Above all, though, I find myself liking Jaime Reyes as Blue Beetle the most of the new additions to the team. His constant conflict with the Scarab AI makes for both good black comedy as well as some interesting character depth.
Well, once again, now that the wall of text is done with I shall ask my questions.
1) Given the Scarab's aggressive tendencies, does its influence ever keep Jaime from sleeping or eating?
2) Have M'Gann and J'onn removed Garfield's enthrallment to Queen Bee by the time of Happy New Years?
3) How fit have Wally and Artemis been keeping since their retirement from the team?
4) Kaldur made the statement "blood is thicker than sea-water" before launching his shoulder rocket at his former allies. Was this phrase meant to be offensive towards Atlanteans or simply as a light pun?
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Young Justice continues to be one of my favorite shows of all time, animated or otherwise, and I eagerly await what is in store for the future.
1. Not generally.
2. Yes.
3. Very.
4. A minor play on words.