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MLP FAN writes...

Hey greg I just watched your work on spectacular spiderman and needless to say I think you did a great job, as an old fan of the 90's seires I think you surpassed it in many ways.I still I can't believe I liked tombstone as a villain

On to my question.

1.- I saw some character worrying for the steriotypical "social hyerarchy" stuff like football players and cheer leaders being "popular" (example Flash). Personally I never experienced such a thing as everyone just hanged out with whom ever they liked it.

My question is Do you believe that social hierarchy of populars, not populars does exist? or you portrayed it due to tradition (many shows portray that)

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I believe it exists. It certainly existed (back in the dark ages) when I went to high school, and at least to some extent I observe it in the environment of my children.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012