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Louissa writes...

Okay, I really want to know what is going on here. I mean another hiatus?! This is the best animated show in years and they just keep putting up hiatuses? It's not okay, dude. What if they decide to cancel it? I wouldn't bear it.
You know, this show really makes me happy. It's the best DC animated show yet, seriously. You and your team do an amazing job and you give it that DC Comics spirit I love.
I'm a huge fan of the show, ever since I saw it for the first time. And you know, I always said that your show gave me the feeling that it could even bring Jason Todd. And it did, there's no way you can deny something we all saw.
I just, I don't know, if you only knew how mad I ma right now...They can't do it. This show is big. Bigger that Teen Titans, bigger than The Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. Almost bigger than Batman Beyond. They shouldn't do that.
I just, I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for the fact that you created the best animated series ever. Being a fan since I was little(I'm 15)l, and not seeing one good animated series made me mad, but your show has it all. And with all that I'm sure that we'll see in Invasion, well, it's just perfect.
Not to mention that your characters are amazing. I love Wally and the way he is portraied. And thank you for bringing Artemis as his love interest, I never liked Linda, anyway. And in Invasion, let me just tell you that Bart Allen was the best gift ever. He's one of my all time favorites, and I really love the way he acts. It's just perfect.
Well, I hope that the show will come back on Cartoon Network soon and that it will last for at least 5 seasons(it's an ordrer).

Thank you for all!

PS: Please don't reply this just with a boring "Thanks" or something,I'm curious to know what you are thinking about the hiatus.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I have no comment on the hiatus, beyond what I've already stated here:


Response recorded on December 10, 2012