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dear greg, i have a few questions about YJ (which is an amazing show) concerning Artemis.
I read in another question that you answered, that before the official decision for who the mole was, you initially suggested Artemis.
1. How do you think the story would have changed if Artemis was the mole instead of Roy?
2.Would Artemis be a mole from free will or would she have been forced to, or would she think she had to because she believed that she belonged with her family even though she didn't want to? OR would she have been a clone?(By the way, I know that all this would have needed planning with you and Brandon but these questions are to what you would want to have happened if Artemis was the mole)
2a. Would Artemis become a villain at the end of season 1 or help the team and regret her mistakes?
sorry for the long questions and I hope I'm not wasting your time. Thank you!
Where did you read that? Not here. And it's not true.
1. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals. (How many times can I say that.)
2. Again, the premise of your question is based on a fallacy.
2a. Ditto.