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Aris katsaris writes...

How much does Macbeth know about the Weird Sisters involvement in his life, and how does he feel about it? (for example he thinks that their overall involvement was beneficial or destructive to him, how would he react if he were to meet them, etc?)

How does Demona feel?

Greg responds...

Both Macbeth and Demona are remarkably ignorant of the Weird Sisters OVERALL involvement. Of course they know the Sisters were involved with them way back then. And I'd lay odds that they've seen the sisters once or twice since then. But my guess is that Mac's view is more neutral. Think of your own responses to the sisters after CITY, before their later appearances. I'm not sure he'd necessarily be happy to see them. But I don't think he'd regard them as enemies, or as huge manipulators of his life.

Demona hates their guts. But not for rational reasons. They're just someone else to blame for her problems.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000