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Brian writes...

Hi Greg, I'm a huge fan of Young Justice and am blow away after every episode. I am also a huge fan of Smallville too.
Seeing as both shows deal with Young superheroes I was wanted to just ask a couple of questions.
1) Are you familiar with Smallville? If so how familiar?
2) If so did it have any influence on your characters in Young Justice?
3) More particularly did Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex Luthor influence the way you write Lex on Young Justice?
4) Finally the Clark Kent presented on Smallville had a lot of very human flaws, something that I also noticed about Superman on Young Justice. Superman is often portrayed as an almost perfect individual so seeing those flaws on Smallville and Young Justice was a breath of fresh air. Did the Clark Kent of Smallville have any influence on how you wrote the character of Superman on Young Justice?
Thanks so much for your time and just know I am really hoping to see a season 3 of Young Justice, in my opinion anything less would be an insult to the brilliant product you and your team have produced

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I loved the pilot to Smallville, but quickly lost interest after that. I'd tune in occasionally when a promo piqued my interest - but I'm not going to base our version of Superman on anything at all from Smallville. I can't. I didn't see most of it."

[Response recorded on February 6, 2012.]

Response recorded on December 20, 2012