A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Before I ask my question, I just wanted to offer an explanation about something. I see a lot of confusion from people who aren't shall we say denizens of the internet regarding "trolling". Trolling is doing or saying something to rile someone up for humorous purposes, and everyone seems to be familiar with the cruel, schadenfreude usage of this. It can also be used affectionately- your friend could troll you by calling you that embarrassing nickname in front of your new girlfriend. When people say you are trolling the fandom, they're not calling you mean- it's saying you're kind of messing with us, playing with our heads. In a sense, it kind of means you're doing your job really well as a creator.
My actual question is that I was wondering about Green Arrow and Black Canary in earth-16. I actually also really love Black Canary, and ship them together really hard, and I was wondering
1) what their first impressions of each other were like. 2)Do they live together, currently, or do they have their own places?
3)What is your favorite relationship dynamic for them?
4) How long had they been together at the start of season one?
5) Who are they probably closest to, within the league?
Thank you for looking at this!
1. This question requires an entire story in response. And this just isn't the format for me to be telling stories.
3. Um... together?
4. See above.
5. Each other.