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Anthony Tini writes...

*** Dexter Season 7 spoilers ***

Hey Greg,

After two lack luster seasons of Dexter, I thought Season 7 had some great writing and I really enjoyed all the call backs to previous events. Most of the episodes had me on the edge of my seat especially during the Dexter/Deb scenes and during the later Dexter/Hannah scenes. I was fairly certain that Deb took a page out of Dexter's book of deception and poisoned herself to frame Hannah. I felt that the writers were building toward the complete corruption of Deb, but I never realized that it would be in the way that it would happen in the finale. I loved how Dexter used Hannah's words on Deb which felt like honesty with a hint of manipulation. The overall theme of the latest season laid the groundwork for the final season while still providing great satisfaction with each plot element. Sadly, the season was not without flaw as while the main characters shined, the minor ones did not get that same opportunity. I really have no idea how the show is going to end and I like that. I want to be surprised. I don't want to see it coming. What did you think?

Thanks for taking the time to respond and good luck with the second half of season 2 of Young Justice: Invasion. Take care.

- Tony

Greg responds...

Well, for starters, I wouldn't agree that the last two seasons of Dexter were lackluster. I enjoyed both thoroughly. But I also thought this season was great. I thought it was structurally VERY odd - with characters building to less (and even more) than you'd expect - and like you, I thought Deb had poisoned herself, but I think that was a red herring that they wanted us to think.

I do wish that in the very last scene, both Dexter and Deb had been wearing a change of clothes, but...

Response recorded on February 21, 2013