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New Zealand police officer writes...

How often does the Justice League visit New Zealand?

I asked you this question for a number of reasons:

1. The most obvious one is that most superheroes do not use guns and unlike America, most of our police force do not carry guns and we will continue not to carry them. Our general policing is not and will never be the culture of the gun.

2. Crime still happens in New Zealand even though we are a very safe nation.

3. We handle terrorism, gun crime, police brutality and corruption very seriously.

4. We frequently show wanted faces and serious crimes in a popular and successful TV show called "Police Ten Seven". &

5. We are one of the least corrupt police forces in the world.

Cheers bro.

Greg responds...

Sounds great.

But it also makes it sound like New Zealand is a place that doesn't need the Justice League all that much.

But I'd sure like to go!!

Response recorded on February 21, 2013