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The Phoenix Gate

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Alexia writes...

1) Does the glamour charm alter voices automatically or must Artemis purposely rasp and deepen her voice as Tigress?

2) If Artemis told someone besides the three guys that she's Artemis, would the charm automatically not work on that person any more? We saw Miss Martian and Artemis talking telepathically and Tigress reverted back to Artemis in M'gann's eyes so I was wondering if that would happen should Artemis blurt out her secret.

3) I understand that Queen Bee's phremones work based on the attraction of the individual to a woman. So would that mean homosexual and asexual human males would not be influenced by her?

Greg responds...

1. In Universe, it works automatically.

2. No.

3. They would not, generally. No.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013