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Emma writes...

Love this show I watch it more than I got my little brother to watch it too, I love the way everything is connected and Im always surprised by what happens next.
Here are my questions
1. Was Artemis a member for the league of Shadows?
2. Does Artemis have a criminal record? she mentioned it when she had to go undercover in jail to talk to Icicle Jr or was she just making that up?
3. Does Dick attend college? or have a job? or has his hero life taken up most of his time?
4. Did you make up all the atlantean and alien languages or were they already established by DC? if you made them up how throughly did you have to develop them?
5. Does the Justice league control the team or are they two separate groups that often work together?

Greg responds...

1. No.


3. He attends college part-time. And also takes courses on-line.

4. The Atlantean language is (loosely) based on Ancient Greek, translated for us by Aris Katsaris. (Any errors in utilizing Aris' translations are mine.)

4a. The Rannian language was invented by Alan Moore in the pages of his Swamp Thing comic. Nicole Dubuc studied what Alan had done and became our Rannian translator.

4b. Nicole and I made up the Martian language by extrapolating from the few existing Martian proper names that we knew from the comics.

4c. I made up the New Genesian language based on a fictional language I created in junior high and high school.

4d. I more or less made up Interlac.

5. Well, technically the Team operates under the auspices of the League, but in Season Two, as you can see, they function semi-autonomously and no longer must wait for assignments from Batman or the League. Though of course, if the League needed them for a mission, they'd hop to it.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013