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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

With the introduction of the Forever People and Desaad in "Disordered," the introduction of Gordon Godfrey in Young Justice: Invasion, and the use of Apokoliptian technology in several episodes of the series thus far, the hints of a coming presence of the New Gods seems to be making itself clear.

I know that, as I have read in the AskGreg Archives, you have stated multiple times that Young Justice is not affected by the New 52. However, I thought you should need to know about what the New Gods are doing in the New 52. Please read below.

The New Gods that have appeared thus far in the New 52 & what they have been doing:

Darkseid - In the New 52, Darkseid was re-introduced as the main antagonist in issues #1-6 of "Justice League." He led his forces to attack the mainstream DC universe in an effort to search for his daughter, who is apparently a new character in the comics. Thanks to the efforts of the Justice League, Darkseid was sent away via Boomtube, but not before he swore to return. It also seems that Darkseid has been acting behind-the scenes during the flashback events that happened in issue #1 of "Earth 2," given that he made no actual appearance in the issue. Darkseid has not yet made any future appearances since then... though it is easy to suspect that the search for his daughter still continues throughout the multiverse…

Desaad - His only appearance in the New 52 thus far was in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was involved in the brutal torture of Superman. I don't think he's been seen or heard of since then…

Steppenwolf - He also made an appearance in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was also involved in Superman's torture. With the failure of the Apokoliptian invasion of the mainstream DC universe, he makes his next appearance in issue #1 of "Earth 2." Aside from personally leading an Apokoliptian invasion on this parallel Earth, he had a notable role in personally killing Earth-2's version of Wonder Woman. When the invasion was stopped by Earth-2's version of the Trinity (at the cost of their lives), Steppenwolf was not seen or heard from again. I've heard that issue #8 of "Earth 2" is going to show off Steppenwolf again and that the issue was going to explain what he has been doing on Earth-2 for five years after the failed invasion.

Orion - Orion was re-introduced at the end of issue #12 of "Wonder Woman." Oddly enough, as he rises from the snow, picks up his helmet, and leaves somewhere via Boomtube, the dialogue in the last couple of pages in that issue implies that the fall of the Olympian Gods (at least, the ones exiting in the mainstream DC universe) gives rise to the New Gods. Honestly, I have no idea what it could mean. Anyway, Orion seems to play a role in some issues of "Wonder Woman." From what I think I understand, it seems that Orion has been given a mission by the Highfather to prevent the end of The Source itself… Pretty strange if you ask me…

Darkseid's daughter - Quite honestly, there's not much that is known about Darkseid's daughter. She has made no appearance thus far, and her name has not yet been given… Finding her is apparently Darkseid's top priority, as evidenced in issue #6 of "Justice League." The Apokoliptian invasion of Earth-2, as shown in issue #1 of "Earth 2" seems to suggest that Darkseid has launched an assault on ANY and ALL parallel Earths in the DC multiverse; all for the sake of finding his daughter. To further support this evidence, in issue #6 of "Justice League," Superman, upon being rescued from torture, stated that he saw images of a multiverse faced with death and torture at Darkseid's hands. This means that the mainstream DC universe and Earth-2 were not the only victims of assaults from the forces of Apokolips.

Thanks for taking the time to reading this posting. I'm not sure if this may be relevant to you or the Earth-16 universe, but I hope you didn't mind me sharing this with you.

Again, thank you,

Greg responds...

You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013