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Finister2 writes...

You say that while making the Gargoyles comics you like to pretent to cast a voice actor in your head. (or something like that.) With that in mind, did you "cast" anyone as the voice of...
1) Hawkman
2) Selena Gonzalez
3) Psycho-Pirate
4) Henry Yarrow
5) The Collector of Worlds (AKA Brainiac)
...in the Young Justice comic book series.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't written any issue where Hawkman speaks.

2. I didn't write that issue.

3. I didn't write that issue.

4. Charles Hallahan. (I realize that's not a practical choice, but that's who I heard.)

5. Patrick Stewart.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013