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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, why did Nightwing perform chest compressions on Artemis when she (seemingly) had a chest wound? First Aid for someone with a chest wound is to apply pressure to the wound (preferably clean dressing, if available), apply pressure to prevent further blood loss, and get them medical care immediately. Performing CPR on a person with an open wound in their chest is just going to force more blood out of their body, thus exacerbating their primary medical problem, a loss of blood. Without blood to circulate, CPR is pointless.

Greg responds...


Seems to me without a hearbeat, ANYTHING else is pointless, so Nightwing was trying to generate a pulse. But I don't pretend to be a medical professional. If we got it wrong, we got it wrong.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013