A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1. Favourite Simon Pegg movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Hot Fuzz.
2. Favourite Karl Urban movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Out Of The Blue. Out Of The Blue is a 2006 New Zealand movie that was based on the terrible 1990 Aramoana Massacre. If you do watch the movie on youtube, keep an eye out for a police officer named "Nick Harvey", that is in fact Karl playing that officer. Plus in 2008 Karl won a New Zealand Film and TV Award for his role in that movie.
1. Um. Well, I haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I'm going to have to probably say Narnia, because I haven't seen a lot of Simon Pegg films.
2. Haven't seen Out of the Blue. I guess The Two Towers.
Clearly, I don't get to the movies very much.