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Jason Curtis writes...

Hi i have a question, When did Dick aka Nightwing become such a womanizer?!! Zatanna, then Raquel aka Rocket (When did he start dating Raquel?), Bette Kane and who else? Guess bruce wayne aka Batman trained his sidekick in all fields very well or just rubbed of some of that bruce wayne charm on him. lol

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I'd call him a womanizer at all. He does love women. He connects with them. He doesn't cheat on them either. But at this moment in his life (he's still a teenager, after all), he's just not ready to settle down. I don't think that's wrong, as long as everyone is honest with each other and themselves, which admittedly isn't always easy. But since he's still friends with all his exes, Dick must be doing something right.

As to all your "when" or "who else" questions, they're SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013