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colton writes...

this has bothered me for a while,but in in drop-zone when the team is switching to their stealth tech(except for robin and superboy,aqualad was absent at the time)but when kid flash says "not to late to try on the new stealth tech"

does that mean they had already prepared conner a super-uniform,similar to superman's,with the stealth tech?as far as i understand is that is the first the team or the league has heard about his no-tights policy.

Greg responds...

It was not the first time they'd heard about it, so, yes, they had a uniform prepped. It wasn't a replica of Superman's, but it wasn't the <ahem> casual wear that our Superboy favors either. (And don't ask me what it looked like exactly. I don't know. Since we never showed it, it was never designed.) And it had stealth-tech.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013