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SHAZAM! writes...

1. Where did you come up with the idea for a Green Beetle? DId he exist previously?
2. Is the reach responsible for the fall of the martian civilization?
3. Who is the black beetle? Wasn't he Jaime's friend Paco in the comics, is there a reason he isn't?
4. Is the Green Beetle a red, white, or green martian?
5. Why is lex trying to help the reach conquer earth? In the comics he honestly beleives he's trying saving the planet, not doom it...

Greg responds...


2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. I think it's pretty clear from the show who Black Beetle is. Why in the world would you think it's Paco?

4. Green.

5. Okay, I'm aware that you wrote up these questions before the end of the series, so I have a question for you: WHY DID YOU WRITE UP THESE QUESTIONS BEFORE THE END OF THE SERIES? What was your hope here, exactly? That I'd get to it before all was revealed and answer "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" Or that I'd get to it (more or less) now and simply refer you back to the episodes themselves.

Look, SHAZAM!, I don't mean to single you out, but this is symptomatic of an on-going problem here at ASK GREG. All you've really succeeded in doing is CLOG UP THE QUEUE.

Please, everyone, THINK before posting.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013