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Sorry if these questions mean having to think way back. I've been reviewing the W.I.T.C.H. series, and now that I'm on season 2, I had a couple questions about developments in the show.
1. When season 2 first aired, rumors went around that Will's father was originally going to be written as unpleasant and manipulative as he had been in the comics, but due to resistance from Disney, this idea was scrapped. Is there any truth to this?
2. I absolutely loved how Matt ended up becoming Shagon. Did you plan from the beginning that this would happen, or did the idea come later on? Because this was brilliant.
3. Similar to the above, the relationship between Caleb and Nerissa. You hinted early enough into season 2 that the Mage might be Caleb's mother and that Nerissa was the Mage. Caleb was already very different from his counterpart in the comics. How did you decide that Nerissa should be his mother? It was such a surprise.
4. The final question is more of an opinion question. As I watch the series, I find myself wanting to feel sympathy toward Nerissa, despite the things she does throughout the series. What is your take on her?
Thank you and all the staff for doing an awesome job with this show, and for everything else you've worked on.
Actually, I'm kinda impressed I remembered as much as I did:
1. No. He was originally written as more at odds with Susan over custody, but we never were going to write him as a bad guy like in the comics. We were just going to have two well-meaning parents at odds, and then realizing that they were only hurting Will by fighting. But Disney didn't like Susan and Tony to even argue. So instead of the issue being custody, we made the issue Tony's new wife and Will's (mistaken) belief that she was really Nerissa in disguise. In a way, this worked out even better for our overall arc.
2. Well, I planned it from the beginning of my run, but keep in mind I didn't start on the series until Season Two.
3. It all seemed to fit with Nerissa having multiple identities throughout the cast. And, heck, the whole "Luke, I am your father" thing is still too tempting not to use.
4. That she's complex, interesting and fascinating with the tragic flaw of most great villains. Plus she loved and mourned Cassidy. And in her twisted way, loved Caleb and Julian too. And that makes her at least a little sympathetic. Though, of course, the fact that she killed Cassidy and used her, Caleb AND Julian also undercuts that sympathy more than a little.