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Hey Greg, congratulations on an excellent two seasons. Hopefully there's more to come. Here are a few questions I've been pondering:
1) Can Black Manta breathe underwater without his armor and helmet? Is he Atlantean?
2) During season one it seemed Artemis relied heavily on her bow even though she was good hand to hand; in season two it seems she is extremely adept hand to hand. Does most of her skills as Tigress come from training with her father? Or training with Black Canary? Or both? Maybe she was training during her time retired? I guess what I'm really asking is if she always this skilled at fighting even in season one and we just didn't really see it?
3) Will we ever find out what happened to poor disgraced Ocean Master/Aquaman's child/Tula? Is there a connection?
Thanks for the time!
1. No.
1a. No.
2. Her father's training acts as her base, but back in the day when he was training her, her size made his hand-to-hand training less effective. Canary's training enhanced Crusher's and leaned more toward what she could do in hand-to-hand DESPITE her size. I think she was a skilled fighter when we met her. I think in Season Two, she's MORE skilled.
3. Ever? I hope so.