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I was just wondering, had the show continued, what was to become of (my personal favorite gargoyle)Demona? In "Future Tense" she had obviously reformed, but that could have just been Puck's trickery.
The last time she is seen (Generations) a tear falls as she watches the clan fly off. I assumed she is remorsefull about the way she hurt her relationship with Angela, or perhaps it was the first real time she had realized what she lost by betraying her clan. I would like to know if Demona would have remainded vengeful, or if she would have eventually come around.
Thanks for reading.
Generations isn't canon in my book.
Check out the G2198 contest results in the archive at this site to see where she stands as of the year 2198. If you want to know what happens to her beyond that, you'll just have to wait until I'm in a more revelatory mood.