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hi greg quick question ive just watched justice league war and I noticed some of the characters (T.O. Morrow Dr. Serling Roquette) have a striking resemblance to your own in young justice designs, his has also happened in the past in flashpoint paradox with kaldur, garath and tula.
so my question is
1) Do Dc just take your staffs work/designs since they own the characters or is it stored on some archive other projects can have access to.
2) also do you get some say in the matter? or compensation for the use of your work?
3) since dc seems to like copying your work so much why are they so reluctant to do a direct to dvd film to finish of young justice?
I hope you are allowed to answer and thank you in advance if you do
1. I really don't know the answer, but I have a question: isn't Phil Bourassa the character designer on all these projects? If so, maybe it's Phil himself who is borrowing from himself or simply that what he's doing is similar for both.
2. It's not MY work. I can't draw stick figures with any competency. And, no, no say. Not that I need say.
3. Apples and oranges. One thing has nothing to do with another.