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Anonymous writes...

If wally did not believe in magic prior to his experience with Fate's helmet, thant what did he think of Zatara, a well known magic-based hero and teamate of his mentor? Did he assume Zatara was a fake and a liar?
Did he and Barry never have a conversation about magic, and how Barry saw it with his own eyes being a teamate of Zatara's? And if Barry did tell him it was real, why wouldnt Wally believe him?

Greg responds...

I think Wally initially assumed the same thing about Zatara as he assumed about Doctor Fate, i.e. that he was using skills to come across as using magic. And I think Wally respected that. I mean, after all, if villains are a superstitious and cowardly lot, than why not fool 'em with a little showbiz. The fact that Zatara also performs as a stage magician probably lent credence to Wally's assumptions.

As for what Barry might have told him, even if Barry said something like, "Today's science was yesterday's magic," it would only reinforce Wally's perspective, even if Barry was simply pointing out that just because we don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't real.

Response recorded on June 03, 2014