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Jorlem writes...

A few questions regarding Martians and fire:

1. Is the Martian weakness to fire a part of/based in their physiology, or is it entirely mental?

2. Does the level of vulnerability vary from Martian to Martian (2b. Or from color to color), or is it the same across all Martians?

3. Does Beast Boy share the Martian vulnerability to fire?

Greg responds...

1. It's really about heat, not fire. But both are a legit threat to them physically.

2. I suppose.

2b. There's no significant biological difference between the various races of Martians in ANY respect.

3. Well, we're all vulnerable to fire, aren't we? I mean, I Superboy isn't. But it's not like Robin, Artemis, Aqualad and Kid Flash are somehow immune from the threat of fire. Beast Boy's no different. But he's not as vulnerable to heat as Miss Martian is.

Response recorded on November 10, 2014