A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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At CONvergence, you mentioned that you have a written list of things to keep in mind while writing scenes for Rain of the Ghosts: what music Rain is hearing, what's the light source, what's the weather, etc. Would you mind posting the complete list?
The "Cheat Sheet" for Rain of the Ghosts wound up being about 27 pages long, by the time I was done.
In contrast, the "Cheat Sheet" for the third novel in the series, "Masque of Bones" is already 98 pages long, and I've barely scratched the surface in terms of research and planning.
I don't have the Cheat Sheet for Spirits of Ash and Foam handy, but I have a vague memory it was about 180+ pages.
Anyway, I'm not going to post a 27 page document here. But I will cut and paste the first page, which (in extra large font) I kept right in front of me to keep things in mind as I wrote:
What all characters look like:
--Skin color,
--Hair length, style and color.
--eye color, eye shape?
--Build, height, weight. Etc.
--Weather or PENDING weather. MOON status.
Sights. Smells.
Sounds. Soundtrack.
Plant Life Animal Life