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Hi Greg. I've got a question about Spec Spidey.
In a few different responses, you've acknowledged that your Eddie Brock is partly an original creation, with some influence from the Ultimate version. You've said that the show's Eddie Brock is "a little more revisionist" compared to the adaptations of other characters, and when asked if you like Venom, you've said that you "like [Spec Spidey's] Venom."
I find the great difference in the show's Venom is the complete posing of him as a dark mirror to Peter/Spider-Man - as you've put it, Venom has a "dark reaction to the [same] tragedies that Peter faced." Spec Spidey's characterization of Eddie Brock/Venom was the first time Venom worked for me.
Naturally I'm very curious about the show's Venom, as the characterization was unprecedented in some ways. So here comes my question, and I don't mean to ask for spoilers here: Do you see Eddie as a redemptive figure? By that, I'm not hoping to learn whether or not Eddie would have gotten some kind of happy ending. I just wonder if your vision of Eddie is a vision of someone who could have been saved from the darkness. If you'd prefer leaving that to interpretation, that's cool, of course.
Mostly, I'll leave it to your interpretation, but the short answer is that, yes, redemption is at least possible. Doesn't mean it'll happen.