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Hello, I'd just like to say that I absolutely love Young Justice, I think it's one of the most mature and thoughtful shows I've ever seen, of any genre, and I hope that you get to come back to it someday. Anyway, I have two questions... well, two with a lot of subquestions, all about Doctor Fate and the events of "Misplaced."
1: In an earlier question, you mentioned that putting on the helmet of fate ages the body of the host. Did that happen to Zatanna when she wore the helmet in Misplaced, and if so, how come she wasn't sent to the adult universe like Captain Marvel was when he transformed?
2: What would have happened if both Zatanna and Zatarra had each put on the Helmet of Fate in their own universe? Would that even be possible? Would there be a separate Nabu entity in each universe with its own host, or would he have awareness of both universes? Would the hosts have awareness of each other? What would happen to Nabu and the hosts when the universes merged?
I apologize for throwing so many metaphysical questions at you at once, this just seems to be one of those scenarios that's full of story hooks. Thank you!
1. Did I say that? Even if I did, I didn't mean it ages a person instantly. I merely meant it takes a toll.
2. The split Nabu would probably have possessed each, and would probably have been even less effective than he was. Nabu would probably be fine once he merged. But all his is a big hypothetical. It didn't happen, so we'll never know for sure.