A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, I have a few personal questions for you, unrelated to your shows:
1)Given the link you provided in this blog, you obiously know about TvTropes, but I would like to know what are your favorite Tropes. (for exemple, my favorite tropes are "Physical god", "Eldritch Abomination" and "Sufficiently advanced aliens")
2)Have you watched Maleficent? What to you think about this movie?
3) What's your opnion about furries in general?
Sorry if I am being annoying, but I am just curious.
1. I don't have any. I haven't studied the site. I've just looked at my shows there on occasion for fun.
2. Yes, when it first came out. In general, I liked it. A couple of minor complaints, maybe. But nothing that interfered with my overall enjoyment.
3. To each his or her own.