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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I hope you don't think I'm playing a game of "gotcha" but there is something about "endgame" that bothers me. When Wally decided to go help Flash and Impulse, Captain Marvel was standing right beside him. (Actually, Artemis was right beside him but you get the idea.) I believe you have said that Cap is actually faster than Wally. Wouldn't it have made sense for Wally to ask Marvel to come along to help the Flashes?

Greg responds...

Though I'm not denying it per se, I don't recall saying that Cap is faster than Wally, and in any case, Season Two Cap is definitely NOT faster than Wally.

Besides, I just don't think it occurred to Wally to ask Cap. Fast or not, he's not considered a speedster. So it wouldn't be an automatic thing.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016