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Greg you work for Disney again and are doing Star Wars I am curious I was looking at work for an Indiana Jones animated project artist Patrick Shoenmaker did that never came to be. My questions is if Disney ever produced an animated series would you be interested? Were you a fan of the Indiana Jones films? Did you ever read or get exposed to the comics either Further Adventures or Darkhorse run? The writing in those seem up your ally long archs I think it would be awesome if u are ever offered that opportunity what do you think?
Well, I'm no longer working on Star Wars Rebels or at Disney - unless you count the work I'm doing at Marvel Comics, writing Star Wars Kanan and Starbrand & Nightmask.
But this is really just a hypothetical question anyway, so it doesn't really matter where I'm working.
Anyway, I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark. Didn't love the second or third movies as much and haven't seen the fourth. I loved the television series about Young Indy (though I can't remember it's exact title at this moment). Haven't seen any Indiana Jones comics.
But I have tremendous fondness for the franchise and would of course leap at the chance to work on it.