A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello Mr. Weisman,
I have some questions about creating teams and the personalities of its members.
1. When creating a team how do you decide what will be the personalities of characters in the group? I've read elsewhere that the best way to create a group is to make each member of the group have the opposite personality of another member. Is this the method you use?
2. How did you decide what personalities to use in the Manhattan clan in Gargoyles?
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my questions.
1. No. Nothing quite that didactic. I do look for a mix. But I'd say my process is more organic and holistic than what you're describing. It also depends a LOT on whether I'm adapting an existing property or creating something original.
2. I'm not sure I remember. But if you look at the ASK GREG archive's "Original Development File," you can see how the characters evolved over time.