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Raphael writes...

5. It seems like you say books and TV sort of go atop everything else as far as entertainment goes. I'm sure it's been asked before, but I'm interested in what you're watching right now (or when I wrote this), specifically within the realm of animation. The animation I'm watching right now would be Korra, Gravity Falls, and, well Star Wars Rebels. Do you have any interest or attachment to any of these (aside from SWR of course)? I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on Avatar because I connected to it hugely when I must have been only seven or eight so I have a huge attachment to it. But I would be interested to hear about what TV you watch in general, at the time I wrote this, or when you answer this, whichever you want to answer. Perhaps just from recent months?

Thanks a bunch, I'm really interested to hear your responses to these questions.

Greg responds...

I loved Avatar, The Last Airbender. Watched it with my son. I want to see Korra, but my son is now in college, so it'll have to wait until his vacations.

I keep up with Star Wars Rebels, and I still love the series, even though I have nothing to do with the second season.

I still watch the Simpsons.

I'm watching the first season of Shimmer & Shine, though I'm only working on Season Two. But I want to see what they did.

And that's pretty much it, animation-wise. I think because I work in animation all day, every day, I'm a bit burned out on it. So I'm mostly watching only live action stuff.

Response recorded on February 25, 2016