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Food writes...

All these questions are related to food.

1. In comics it said that superman dosent require food as he can live off entirely on solar energy. Is this same case for Earth 16 Superman and to an extent Superboy?

2. Do Maritians need food? I'd imagine that on mars, their diets would probaley be different than humans, but do their shapeshifting powers allow to them compensate for lack of nutrition?

3. In the series, Wally's suit had a pocket where he kept emergency food. Now first I have to say that's a pretty clever way to deal with Wally's speedy metabolism weakness. I also assume that Flash and Impulse have a food rations on them as well in case of emergencies, so what exactly is the food they eat? I can't imagine it being anything gourmet or something that could easily get destroyed or cause a mess. I (personally) would probably think of it as similar to the rations they give in the military.

4. Do other heroes like Batman or Green arrow keep emergency food rations as well? I mean in most versions, Batman tends to keep himself pretty busy with both his hero and wayne industry work, so he dosnet get that much sleep. So I suppose if he's on some long mission, he probaley would need stop and eat something at one point. The thought occurs to me when I think of the Batman Arkham game series, where Batman is trapped inside Arkham Asylum for at least 10 hours and dosnet eat anything. Now obviously that's just a game dynamic so its not a big deal, but considering how well written Young Justice is I would wonder when and how the heros get a chance to eat and basically recover some energy.

5. I lied. This last question isn't about food. After the events of Misplaced, was the Zeta Tube computer updated to recognise Billy Baston?

Greg responds...

1. No. Not for either of them. They could probably go longer without food than a human. But they still have digestive tracks, etc., and if they didn't eat and take in nutrients, those systems would atrophy, and long-term, they'd die.

2. No. Again, I'm not saying they need to eat on the same schedule humans do, but they must eat.

3. Barry and Bart don't have the same metabolism issues that Wally has. Which is not to say they don't eat a lot. But they don't need to keep food on them.

4. I haven't thought about this. But Batman seems like the kind of guy who's prepared for everything. And Green Arrow seems like the kind of guy who isn't prepared for much.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on February 25, 2016