A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hello there~
First of all, I just recently re-discovered Gargoyles. I watched some episodes as a kid, but after rewatching the whole series again (minus TGC because I can't find that ANYWHERE), I only now as a 21 year old understand how fantastic that show really was. I'm only sad I'm just now finding this out, just to see that it was cancelled for various reasons.
However, I still want to support this series as much as I can. I just bought the 2nd part of season 2 from Walmart (was very shocked to see that in the Disney section!), and I've recently discovered you made a comic series that takes place after the end of season 2. I want to read this so bad, but this is such an old series now that any trace of scans are all gone due to the sites being dead. And unless I used my credit, I couldn't even afford the comics because Clan Building 1 alone goes for almost $200 now...
Sorry for the splurge of info, but I would like to know if you know of another way I can read these comics? I know I'll buy them someday, but for now I just want to read them - I'm really interested in it!
Anyway, hope life's going well, and would love to see a Gathering maybe in Wisconsin sometime! ^^
I can't recommend Goliath Chronicles. We don't consider it canon.
As for the comics, I don't have a good answer for you now. They're just flat-out out of print. We're trying to rectify it, but unless you want to spend bucks on used copies - or can borrow 'em from a friend, you're just out of luck for the time being. That does NOT make me happy, as I want fans to be able to read them. But there's not much I can do about it now.
We don't really do Gatherings anymore. But I was in Madison for a convention last summer. Were you there?