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1)Why do you think that Irma from W.I.T.C.H. is a lesbian? Even after watching the series twice, I must admit I don't see it.
2)We know that Nerissa is bisexual, but is Cassidy a lesbian or bisexual?
1. Then you don't see it. For me it has to do with her only truly being interested in guys that are obviously out of reach. She's fighting to be straight, which I think is not uncommon in our culture. But by choosing unattainable choices, she's guaranteeing that she won't have to actually wind up with a guy. (And when she actually comes close to landing one of them, she bolts.) None of this makes it impossible for her to be straight or bisexual or whatever. But in my gut, that's what I sense is going on.
2. I think she's a lesbian.
But I should say, this is all just my opinion.