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J$ writes...

I just wrapped up Spirits of Ash and Foam. I thought the first book was decent, but the second one was fantastic. By the end of the book, I felt as into the book as I did when I thought Goliath had just let Elisa fall to her death. It was a slow build, but well worth it.

When are you going to release the third book?

Greg responds...

Well, I kinda have to write it first. And my free time has been taken up recently writing World of Warcraft: Traveler for Scholastic Books and Blizzard Entertainment.

It's an original novel set in Azeroth, i.e. the world of World of Warcraft. And it's totally canon.

For more info on it, look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QESzTP6_in4

But trust me, I WILL get back to the Rain of the Ghosts series and its third book, Masque of Bones, as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, if you need a Rain fix, check out the Rain of the Ghosts AudioPlay at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts !

(If only I didn't have to earn a darn living!)

Response recorded on May 27, 2016