A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, just found this place after looking for a way to contact you, and figured I'd do just that! I'm a big fan of Gargoyles; the universe you've created is absolutely incredible, and the tale you've told in it masterfully crafted.
I've only just managed to get my hands on the collected volumes of the comics (I've only gotten my copy of Vol. 1 as of yet, actually, so I'm not quite at the end yet!), but I'm already sad that there's not much more for me to see. And so, I come here to ask you simple question: Is there anything Gargoyles related in the works at this time? And if not, are you still pulling to get the stories you want to tell told in some form someday?
There isn't yet. But hopes are high with the comic book license now at Joe Books. And I NEVER stop pulling to tell more Gargoyles stories.